Friday, November 20, 2009

Gay marriage-more you're a fucking bigot proof!

Big thank you to Shereeeeeeeea and her almost a pastor until he thought better of it dad for giving me really awesome examples of stuff the bible says we should/shouldn't do that we don't/do do anyway!

Cotton/wool blend clothing?-No!
Lift a finger on the Sabbath for anything not God related?-No!
Human sacrifice?-well, we kinda covered that in the whole kill your kid because God said to, but just to clarify the point, it gets a big ol' YES! Oh, animal sacrifice is required in the Old Testament as well.
Be mean to immigrants?-No! "Do not mistreat an alien or oppress him,for you were aliens in Egypt"-score! I could write an post about immigration too...damn gringo racists!
Marrying a non virgin?-Yeah...not so much ok with the Lord.
Marry outside race?-that gets a no too
Children born out of wedlock?-Banished!
Cutting your hair?-well, that's forbidden!

Yeah, there's more I'm sure. You get my point though right? If gay marriage is forbidden in the bible and that's the argument you're going to use to make your bigotry acceptable, then follow that bible to the letter damn it! Kill your flock! Marry your dead brother's wife! And start growing out that hair while you're at it you freaking Roman!

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