Monday, February 8, 2010

Colorado weather. Don't believe the lies.

Just a short post today to clear up some crazy misconceptions that people have about the weather here in Colorado. Lots of people around here like to say "Don't like the weather? Wait 5 minutes!" then they laugh as if they've made some sort of clever joke. But what they've actually done is reinforced this silly idea that Colorado is a sunny, warm, wonderful climate year round. It's not. Winter starts in October. No really, it does. Granted, it's not like a deep freeze Michigan kind of winter. But that's when we get our first snow. So as far as I'm concerned, that's when winter starts. Know what I call kids on Halloween around here? Flashers. Know why? Because when you open your door, they open their coats so you can see their costumes, shout "TRICK OR TREAT!" and bundle right back into those coats. Because it snowed the night before. And it's still really cold. Poor things!

And another thing. Winter doesn't end before April. True story! We've had nifty 3 foot + blizzards in April. At the end of April even! I know that because my birthday is in April, and I've had to wear my snow boots on my birthday many times. So that means 6 months of winter. That's an inappropriately long time.

People also like to tell this little lie: "Oh yeah, it snows now and then. But it's no big deal. It's gone next day!" No it's not. Those people's front yards must be north facing, and they must never look in their back yards. Or at the sidewalks on the way to work. Because if they did, they'd see the snow is most definitely still there. Those same people will also tell you that the day after a snow storm it'll be "like 60 degrees!" Yeah. Not so much true really. Maybe in the 40's. That happens. But last my body told me, 40 is not like 60 at all.

Again, those from Michigan (as my mom is) and all those northern states will tell you that Colorado winters are balmy in comparison. I know. That doesn't make 40 degrees feel anything like 60 degrees when you're outside though.

Just sayin.


  1. admittedly this year has been more like the winters of my childhood in Colorado. And the Mountains for sure are "Winter" 6-9 months out of the year... but I must admit, when you look at the influx of people who have come to Denver in the past say, 5-10 years, they have experienced rather balmy, dry winters in Denver. They had great expectations of the winter wonderland of the mountains, but considering Denver is a good hours drive from the mountains, it is simply not as snowy a place. So now they tell everyone that Denver is balmy and rarely snows... we are well above our precip average for this winter season as well making your misery all the worse. :( But as for me... I feel like a kid again and welcome the additional snow and cold!! I just wish I could stay home and enjoy a snow day!!

  2. It's true, winter is more like it was when we were kids. But a lot of the people I hear saying all this are natives that know better...sigh. I know Colorado is not as bad as many other areas of the country. But there's no need to lie! :)
